Spend Time Enjoying Your Yard, Not Watering It
Home improvement projects are intended to turn the place you live into the place you always dreamed of. An irrigation system can play a big part in any home improvement.
Timing Is Everything
When it comes to watering, timing is the most important factor. Early in the morning tends to be the best time to water. The temperature is low, and water pressure going to the irrigation system is good.
A morning watering allows water to be applied evenly throughout your lawn. And the grass maximizes the water intake since there is little loss from evaporation at this time of day.
Save Time
Because our system is programmed to efficiently work on its own, you’ll now have more time during the day to do the things you love, and not home improvement projects like dragging hoses or standing around watering by hand.
Properly timed watering – included with each system – means you never have to worry about over-watering and high water bills.
Evaporation Rates
Evaporation accounts for the movement of water to the air from sources such as the soil, canopy interception, and water bodies. So making sure your lawn’s irrigation system is operating at maximum efficiency goes along way in saving you money – and the entire planet’s water supply.
To reduce evaporation rates, an irrigation system with an ET monitor on the system, such as a Hunter Industries Solar Sync, will automatically calculate the proper amount of water that needs to go on the lawn or landscape in order to replenish it using current weather conditions.
Factors That Influence the Evaporation Rate
- Temperature
- Wind
- Surface Area
- Humidity
- Precipitation
July and August – A Lawn’s Most Important Time
Generally, residential lawns need about 1-inch of water each week. Grass type, soil properties and weather all play a roll in how much and how often your lawn needs watering.
July and August typically provide high temperatures and low rainfall. Thankfully, many of the irrigation systems we use have a seasonal adjustment setting to help better manage your home improvement water usage during these tough-on-your-lawn months.
Irrigate During the Optimum Time of Day
3:00-6:00 AM
Lawn maximizes water intake with little water loss occurring due to evaporation.
Evaporation is more prevalent; stronger winds may blow water off target. It is only recommended to water mid-day if extreme heat and drought is present during a new sod grow-in cycle.
10:00PM – 6:00AM
Higher water pressure allows for better spray coverage. If your water window for routine watering won’t fit in the prime time, then using this larger water window is the next best time.
Irrigation System Installation Only Takes One Day
The pros at Quality Irrigation are masters at the one-day install. With a one-day, minimally invasive installation, your lawn will be in great shape in no time.
Saving Green. Conserving Blue.
Installing and maintaining residential and commercial sprinkler systems help avoid over-watering, which reduces water waste and eliminates runoff, ensuring a safe and healthy water supply for future generations.
Plus, you still get head-turning, green turf that stays watered and healthy during the entire growing season for a beautiful landscape you can be proud of.
Contact the pros at Quality Irrigation and ask them how they can improve their home’s appearance with an irrigation system that’s right for your lawn. Call 402.672.9297.